Časopis Pedagogickej fakulty Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave

Scientia et Eruditio

Guidelines for authors

The papers should be sent via e‑mail as .doc or .docx attachment. As the name of the file, use the surname of the first author and the first three words of the paper’s title without diacritical marks, for example: prokop­‑size­‑of­‑female.docx

The papers should be sent to e‑mail addresses of individual editors, based on the issue’s focus.

Issue Focus Editor’s e‑mail
First Natural sciences e-mail
Second Education and Educational Science e-mail 
Third Philology – Slovak linguistics and literature e-mail
Philology – linguistics and literature of modern foreign languages e-mail

Submission and publication deadlines:

Description Deadline
Submission of papers to the first issue (natural sciences) February
Publication of the first issue April
Submission of papers to the second issue (education) July
Publication of the second issue September
Submission of papers to the third issue (philology) October
Publication of the third issue December

General instructions

Number of pages for a paper (one standard page contains 1 800 characters including spaces) including figures, graphs, tables, schemes, supplements and bibliography:

  • theoretical and empirical studies: 6 – 15 standard pages,
  • reviews and reports: 1 – 3 standard pages.

Technical details of the text of the article

  • Use Microsoft Word word processor.
  • Page size in A4, vertically, all margins: 2.5 cm.
  • Do not use pagination.
  • Font: Cambria 11 pt.
  • Line spacing: multiple 1.15.
  • Do not leave out empty line between paragraphs, all spaces (including the headings) are defined in template in points.
  • Do not use tabulators or spaces at the beginning of paragraph.
  • To highlight text, do not use colours or underlining, but rather boldface or italics.
  • Do not  e x p a n d  spaces between letters either by spaces or tabulators; to highlight the text, use only default styles Strong or Emphasis.
  • Figures, tables and graphs should be numbered or named; each item should be distinguished by a name tag and numbered independently (at the end of each name/​description should be a dot, a question mark or an exclamation mark), for example:
  • Figure 1: Female of mantis religiosa.
  • Table 1: Multiple regression.
  • Graph 1: Relation between length of pronotum and response time.
  • The number and name (description) of the table should be placed above the table, the number and description of the figure/​graph under the figure/​graph.
  • Schemes, graphs and similar pictorial material are recommended to be created as a drawn/​embed object in Microsoft Word or attached in Microsoft Word­‑compatible vector format (e.g. WMF).
  • Figures, especially photographs, should be sent in adequate quality.
  • Authors are responsible for the language and style of their papers.

References (quotations) in text.

  • Paraphrasing (cf. Prokop, 2015, p. 26).
  • Direct quotation (Prokop, 2015, p. 26).
  • Reference to source as a whole (Prokop, 2015).
  • In case of co­‑authorship of two or three authors, state all surnames in brackets and separated by a comma (Prokop, Fančovičová, 2015).
  • In case of four or more authors, use “et al.” after the surname of the first author (Prokop et al., 2016).
  • Citing multiple works by several authors, place the works in alphabetical order according to the authors’ surnames (or according to the year of publication) and separate them by a semicolon (Fančovičová, Prokop, 2015; Prokop, 2010, 2015).
  • Use footnotes to complement the basic text – when citing use the same rules as citing in the text.

Paper formatting instructions (theoretical and empirical studies)

Hereby the authors are kindly asked to use the iconattached templates and to use all stylesheets defined within. If you are not familiar with cascading styles in a Microsoft Word word processor, the best way to correctly create the article is to insert the text without formatting directly into the template (headings to headings, abstract to abstract, paragraphs, pictures, charts… copy and paste within the template as they are needed and then paste the texts of the descriptions and other paragraphs without formatting into them – also paste the images and other objects using Paste as… feature or import them directly as files from your hard drive).

Works cited page

Format works cited list as follows:

  • works cited list should be ordered alphabetically according to the author’s surname, irrespective of the source’s category (monograph, journal article, etc.),
  • if referring to multiple works by the same author, order them according to the year of publication; if one author published in the same year several works, add letters a, b, c, etc. after the year, the order is determined according to the name of the work.
  • in case of two to four authors, separate them by a dash; if there are more than four authors, state the firs author followed by abbreviation et al.,
  • If referring to a collective monograph or proceedings, the name of editor is followed by ed. for one editor, or eds. for several editors.
  • Please list only the sources cited in the text of the paper.
  • The binding standard is STN ISO 690.
  • Use font Cambria 9 pt (normal), align text left.
  • Each author is required to verify that there is a DOI identifier for each source used and record it if it does exist.
  • The binding form of DOI is: https://doi.org/10.«prefix»/«sufix», example: https://doi.org/10.31262/1234­‑5678/2018/1/1/23­‑56. 
    For more details, visit the page https://www.​crossref.​org/​display­‑guidelines/​ opened in a new window
(usually regards external link).

In citing, we recomend to use the full first name. This is not required as the full name of the author may not be known.

Citations of on­‑line sources must contain the date of last access. Example: [cited on 15 July 2017].

Suffixes of English ordinal numerals should not be written as upper index, but in a line.

Sample formatting of used sources


Walker, Ian. 2013. Výzkumné metody a statistika. 1. vyd. Praha : Grada. ISBN 978­‑80­‑247­‑3920­‑5.

Kariková, Soňa – Šimegová, Miroslava. 2009. Šikanovanie na stredných školách v Slovenskej republike. Opole : Uniwersytet Opolski. ISBN 978­‑83­‑926832­‑7­‑8.

Lechta, Viktor – Kudláčová, Blanka, eds. 2013. Reflection of inclusive education of the 21st Century in Correlative Scientific Fields. Frankfurt a. Main : Peter Lang Publishing. ISBN 978­‑3­‑631­‑64835­‑3.

Speight, James G. 2005. Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry. [online]. London : McGraw­‑Hill [citované 10. júna 2009]. ISBN 978­‑1­‑60119­‑261­‑5. Dostupné na: ⟨http://www.​knovel.​com/​web/​portal/​basic_​search/​display?_​EXT_​KNOVEL_​DISPLAY_​bookid=​1347&_​EXT_​KNOVEL_​DISPLAY_​fromSearch=​true&_​EXT_​KNOVEL_​DISPLAY_​searchType=​basic⟩.

Article in a magazine

Pokrivčáková, Silvia. 2014. Code­‑switching ako lingvodidaktický fenomén = Code/switching as a phenomenon of language pedagogy. In XLinguae. Vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 61–74. ISSN 1337­‑8384.

Šarkan, Martin – Nemec, Rastislav. 2010. Humanistic Paradigms of Education in the Postmodern Vision. In Journal of Pedagogy. Vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 99–119. ISSN 1338­‑1563.

Koťa, Jaroslav – Strouhal, Martin. 2017. Kontroverze humanismu a jeho dědictví v sociálních vědách a v pedagogice. In e‑Pedagogium. [online]. Roč. 2017, č. 1, s. 25–34 [citované 15. júla 2017]. ISSN 1213­‑7499. Dostupné na: ⟨http://old.​pdf.​upol.​cz/​fileadmin/​user_upload/​PdF/​e‑pedagogium/​2017/​e‑Pedagogium_1­‑2017online.​pdf⟩.

Chapters in monographs and proceedings

Rajský, Andrej. 2010. Európa – východiskové črty a charakteristiky. Ideál a ideály európskeho človeka v procese dejín vlastného sebanazerania. In Kudláčová, Blanka, ed. Európske pedagogické myslenie (od antiky po modernu). Bratislava : Typi Universitstis Tyrnaviensis/Veda. S. 12–19. ISBN 978­‑80­‑8082­‑297­‑2.