Séria C



Ročník 14


Trnava  2010


ISBN 978-80-8082-432-7

Acta Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitatis Tyrnaviensis


Zborník Pedagogickej fakulty Trnavskej univerzity




Ročník 14, 2010




Hlavný redaktor:

doc. RNDr. Pavel Híc, CSc.


doc. RNDr. Mária Lucká, PhD.

Redakčná rada:

doc. RNDr. Mária Lucká, PhD. (predseda)

prof. RNDr. Ján Čižmár, PhD.

prof. RNDr. Jozef Fulier, CSc.

doc. RNDr. Peter Čerňanský, CSc.

doc. RNDr. Pavel Híc, CSc.

doc. Ing. Martin Mišút, CSc.


prof. RNDr. Ján Čižmár, PhD.

doc. RNDr. Peter Čerňanský, CSc.

doc. RNDr. Miroslava Ožvoldová, CSc.

doc. PhDr. Oliver Židek, CSc.

doc. PaedDr. Pavel Klenovčan, CSc.

doc. RNDr. Pavol Božek, PhD.

doc. RNDr. Iveta Scholtzová, PhD.

doc. RNDr. Daniela Hricišáková, CSc.

doc. RNDr. Ladislav Halada, CSc.

PaedDr. Milan Pokorný, PhD.

PaedDr. Katarína Žilková, PhD.

RNDr. Edita Vranková, PhD.

RNDr. Martin Malčík, PhD.

RNDr. Daniela Horváthová, PhD.

RNDr. Karol Kvetan, CSc.







Technický redaktor: Ing. Mgr. Roman Horváth

Obálka: doc. akad. mal. Blažej Baláž

Vydala: Trnavská univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta


ISBN 978-80-8082-432-7


Acta Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitatis Tyrnaviensis

Obsah – Contents

Matematika a didaktika matematiky

K. Žilková: Manipulácie na tému súmernosť


L. Repiská, O. Židek: O skúsenostiach so softvérom SketchUp v primárnom matematickom vzdelávaní


Z. Zaduban, O. Židek: Pentomino ako prostriedok rozvoja priestorovej predstavivosti


K. Sotáková: Vplyv rozprávok na rozvoj matematických predstáv detí


M. Lucká, M. Pokorný: O matematických zručnostiach slovenských a českých žiakov


D. Jedinák: Harmónia v školskej matematike


Fyzika a didaktika fyziky

M. Ožvoldová: Je výučba prírodných vied v kríze? Ako ďalej?


P. Čerňanský, F. Schauer: Experimentálne štúdium adiabatického deja


M. Beňo, M. Ožvoldová: Porovnanie systémov na budovanie vzdialených laboratórií


Ž. Gerhátová: Reálny, reálny vzdialený a virtuálny experiment – súčasť integrovaného e-learningu vo vyučovaní fyziky


M. Žovínová: Ako využiť reálny vzdialený experiment na bilingválnom gymnáziu


Ž. Gerhátová: Stratégia integrovaného e-learningu vo výučbe šikmého vrhu realizovaná v prostredí interaktívnej tabule SMART Board


M. Ožvoldová, M. Žovínová: Využitie vzdialených e-experimentov na určovanie tiažového zrýchlenia


M. Ožvoldová, N. Beták: Vzdialené reálne experimenty vo výučbe informatiky na strednej škole


Š. Húšťava: Comparisson of Using the Proportional and Scintillation Detectors for Measuring of Gamma Radiation in Environment


Informatika a didaktika informatiky

V. Gazdíková, S. Javorský: Interaktívne prezentačné materiály a prezentačné pomôcky v edukačnom procese


M. Hosťovecký, T. Zaťková: Možnosti implementovania videokonferenčného systému v kombinovanej forme vzdelávania v prostredí vysokej školy



Bližšie informácie týkajúce sa objednávok alebo výmeny zborníka zasielajte na adresu:

Pedagogická fakulta TU

Oddelenie pre vedu, výskum a zahraničné styky

Priemyselná 4, P.O. Box 9

SK – 918 43 TRNAVA

Tel.: 033 / 55 16 047, 55 14 618


Pokyny pre prispievateľov

Abstrakty – Abstracts

Manipulácie na tému súmernosť

Manipulations on the Topic Symmetry

Katarína Žilková1

1Katedra predškolskej a elementárnej pedagogiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Račianska 59, 813 3 Bratislava, SR

Abstract. Žilková, K.: Manipulations on the topic symmetry, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. The examination of congruent representations and their properties is useful to realize in terms of didactics by various manipulations. The paper offers some suggestions for exploring particularly the reflection symmetry through various activities using mirrors and also instructions for creating a virtual kaleidoscope in the environment of dynamic geometry. These described activities can be understood as propedeutics of congruent representation and their properties.

Keywords: manipulation, symmetry, math, education, mirror

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Článok – Paper

O skúsenostiach so softvérom SketchUp v primárnom matematickom vzdelávaní

Lucia Repiská1, Oliver Židek2

1Katedra matematiky a informatiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

2Katedra matematiky a informatiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. There are many ways how to develop spatial abilities. One of them is using ICT. This article deals with software SketchUp and its possible utilization in mathematics education. A didactic research was carried at an elementary school with the aim to discover if it can be used as didactic tool. The paper describes experiences and observations that have been spotted during experimental classes.

Keywords: ICT, SketchUp, mathematics education, didactic research

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Článok – Paper

Pentomino ako prostriedok rozvoja priestorovej predstavivosti

Pentomino as a Tool for Development of Spatial Imagination

Zuzana Zaduban1, Oliver Židek2

1Katedra matematiky a informatiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

2Katedra matematiky a informatiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Zaduban, Z., Židek, O.: Pentomino as a tool for development of spatial imagination, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. The contribution deals with the importance of the development of spatial imagination and its influence on the quality of development in educational and personal life of an individual. The main benefit of this contribution is to assess the effectiveness of teaching methods of the mathematics using “pentomino” puzzles as well as the creation of new, non-traditional tasks based on these puzzles. In our case, this teaching method was proved as very effective and thus it opened the possibility of wider use in teaching of mathematics.

Keywords: Pentomino, combinatorics, planar shape, handling technology, visualization, space orientation

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Článok – Paper

Vplyv rozprávok na rozvoj matematických predstáv detí

The Math Concept’s Improvement of Children by Fairy Tale’s Effect

Kristína Sotáková1

1Katedra matematiky a informatiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Sotáková, K.: The math concept’s improvement of children by fairy tale’s effect, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. Our experiences show to us that fairy tales are often used in the education process in kindergarten or in school clubs. The issue is improving literacy of reading. The paper presents the possibility of using the unique didactic tool, which are fairy tales, for improving the child’s mathematics images.

Keywords: dianatic, number, space imagination, fairy tale

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Článok – Paper

O matematických zručnostiach slovenských a českých žiakov

Mária Lucká1, Milan Pokorný2

1, 2Katedra matematiky a informatiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. The paper deals with mathematical skills of Slovak and Czech students of primary and secondary school. In the first part of the paper the ERDF project “Diagnostika stavu znalostí a dovednosti žáků v česko-slovenské přihraniční oblasti se zaměřením na jejich rozvoj”, which is being solved in cooperation of Methodical and Evaluative Centre, o.p.s., Ostrava University in Ostrava and Trnava University in Trnava, is characterized. In the following chapters the authors compare mathematical skills of Czech and Slovak students, as well as the skills of boys and girls.

Keywords: mathematics teaching, mathematical skills, electronic tests.

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Článok – Paper

Harmónia v školskej matematike

Harmony in School Mathematics

Dušan Jedinák1

1Tríbečská 2136, 955 01 Topoľčany, SR

Abstract. Jedinák, D.: Harmony in school mathematics, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. Proposed paper deals with various aspects of harmony that appears in school mathematics. It brings several useful examples showing harmony and beauty of some mathematical relationships that can be used in mathematics teaching.

Keywords: popularization and motivation in the education of mathematics, elementary and secondary schools

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Článok – Paper

Je výučba prírodných vied v kríze? Ako ďalej?

Is Science Teaching in the Crisis?

Miroslava Ožvoldová1, 2

1Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

2Ústav matematiky, Fakulta aplikovanej informatiky
Univerzity Tomáše Bati v Zlíně, 760 05 Zlín, ČR

Abstract. Ožvoldová, M.: Is science teaching in the crisis? What next?, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. The paper deals with the situation concerning with the students secondary physics knowledge and math as well entering the universities. One of the possibilities how to stop decreasing interest of students in physics and natural science is to gain student´s motivation for studying and the better understanding of physics laws and its methods. Also it is necessary to change the classical methods and forms of education, which still remain at the most levels of tertiary education. We suggest and introduce a new interactive technology of education, called Integrated e-Learning, where remote experiments (RE) across the Internet is the basis for this strategy.

Keywords: science, physics, education, integrated e-learning, remote experiments, Internet

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Článok – Paper

Experimentálne štúdium adiabatického deja

A Direct Measurement of Adiabatic Constant of Air

Peter Čerňanský1, František Schauer2

1Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

2Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Čerňanský, P., Schauer, F.: A direct measurement of adiabatic constant of air, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. Physical experiment played a crucial role in the development of physical knowledge. The same holds for physics instruction. The recent trends, emphasizing more competencies than knowledge, prefer rather constructivist approach. This brings a renascence of interest for experiment in physics. The paper deals with an application of constructivist method based on experimental experience of the learner. It presents a specific problem of experimental study of the ideal gas behavior. Namely, the study of adiabatic process and the adiabatic constant determination are provided. The technology can be modified to remote experiment technology.

Keywords: ideal gas, adiabatic process, adiabatic constant, Poisson law, constructivist approach, remote experiment

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Článok – Paper

Porovnanie systémov na budovanie vzdialených laboratórií

Comparison of the interfaces for building remote laboratories

Beňo Miroslav1, Ožvoldová Miroslava2

1Katedra techniky a informačných technológií, Pedagogická fakulta,
Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Dražovská 4, 949 74 Nitra, SR

2Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Beňo M., Ožvoldová M.: Comparison of the interfaces for building remote laboratories. The latest development of information and communicatiom technologies (ICT) allows us to establish not only virtual experiment via interactive applets, but also real remote experimentation via the Internet. Their massive utilisation into teaching and learning process is the question of the near future. The paper presents an analyses and comparison of two systems used for building e-laboratory: Remotely controlled Laboratory – Kaiserslautern – Germany and E-laboratory – University of Trnava.

Keywords: remote experiment, physics, internet school experimental system, hardware & software for e-laboratory

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Článok – Paper

Reálny, reálny vzdialený a virtuálny experiment – súčasť integrovaného e-learningu vo vyučovaní fyziky

Real, Real Remote and Virtual Experiment – Part of Integrated E-learning in Physics Teaching

Žaneta Gerhátová1

1Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Gerhátová, Ž.: Real, real remote and virtual experiment – part of integrated e-learning in physics teaching, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. The paper presents possibilities of using the real, real remote and virtual experiment – part of integrated e-learning in physics teaching. Integrated e-learning (INTe-L) is a new strategy of education, where the base pillar is the using of real, real remote and virtual experiment in science and technology teaching. We completed the standard e-learning about the missing element by experiment. A new strategy of education is based on the methods of cognition which are used in scientific work.

Keywords: experiment in physics, integrated e-learning, interactive simulations, applets, real experiment, real remote experiment

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Článok – Paper

Ako využiť reálny vzdialený experiment na bilingválnom gymnáziu

How to Use Real Remote Experiment at Bilingual Grammar School

Michaela Žovínová1

1Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Žovínová, M.: How to use real remote experiment at bilingual grammar school, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. In the paper we introduce real remote experiments that enable to experiment remotely via Internet. Using existing remote experiments we have prepared Students' worksheet for classic grammar and bilingual grammar schools students. Worksheet uses 5 remote experiments of simple pendulum with the assignment to determine the acceleration due to gravity.

Keywords: real remote experiment, bilingual grammar school, Worksheet of student, acceleration due to gravity, simple pendulum, Internet

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Článok – Paper

Stratégia integrovaného e-learningu vo výučbe šikmého vrhu realizovaná v prostredí interaktívnej tabule SMART Board

Strategy of Integrated E-learning in the Teaching of Inclined Throw Provided in Environments SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard

Žaneta Gerhátová1

1Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Gerhátová, Ž.: Strategy of Integrated e-learning in the teaching of inclined throw provided in environments SMART Board interactive whiteboard, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. The recent development of ICT allows us to establish virtual experiment in natural sciences by the help of applets, interactive simulations and real remote e-experiment accessible via the Internet. Their implementation in teaching is the most important part of educational reform also in the Slovak Republic, because the results of education depend on the teaching methods and forms. The paper presents a preview of the practical application of strategies for integrated e-learning, which implies a real, real remote and virtual experiment with e-materials in the interactive SMART Board environment. This combination of SMART Board and virtual experiment multiplies the interactivity of teacher and pupil.

Keywords: experiment in physics, integrated e-learning, interactive simulations and applets, interactive whiteboard, inclined throw, video recording

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Článok – Paper

Využitie vzdialených e-experimentov na určovanie tiažového zrýchlenia

Using Remote E-experiments to Measure Acceleration due to Gravity

Michaela Žovínová1, Miroslava Ožvoldová2

1Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

2Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Žovínová, M., Ožvoldová, M.: Using remote e-experiments to measure acceleration due to gravity, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. Within the paper we present the interactive way how the students can measure online acceleration due to gravity via remote real experiments. We introduce five real remote experiments – simple pendulums that are free available for every experimenter. E-experiments can not only entertain but also help students towards deeper understanding of the laws relating to the acceleration due to gravity. Student can determine the value of the acceleration due to gravity and to find out that it is not a constant because it depends on position on the Earth.

Keywords: acceleration due to gravity, e-experiment, physics, real remote experiment, simple pendulum

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Článok – Paper

Vzdialené reálne experimenty vo výučbe informatiky na strednej škole

Real Remote Experiments as Part of the Teaching of Informatics at Secondary School

Norbert Beták1, Miroslava Ožvoldová2

1Katedra techniky a informačných technológií, Pedagogická fakulta,
Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Dražovská 4, 949 74 Nitra, SR

2Katedra fyziky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Beták. N., Ožvoldová, M.: Real remote experiments as part of the teaching of Informatics at Secondary School, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. The main goal of this paper is to present the possibility of implementation of remote laboratories into the educational process of Computer Sciences. We also deals with the main benefits of remote experiments, and with the importance of teaching Informatics. Via prepared worksheet for students, we tried to advance the technology of remote laboratories along with increasing computer and information literacy.

Keywords: real remote experiment, computer and information literacy, Internet, secondary school

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Článok – Paper

Comparisson of Using the Proportional and Scintillation Detectors for Measuring of Gamma Radiation in Environment

Štefan Húšťava1

1Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
Stavebná fakulta STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava

Abstract. An analysis of particular possible contributions of the background in the environment for gamma radiation measuring is made in the paper. There are compared the fundamental facilities of scintillation and proportional detectors and their expediency for measuring in the environment. Comparative measuring for ratio signal/noise for scintillation and proportional detector are made in the next part. Theoretical comparisons of possibilities of using with ionization chambers, but without experiment are made in conclusion, too.

Keywords: scintillation detectors, proportional detectors, background components, gamma radiation measuring, detector efficiency

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Článok – Paper

Interaktívne prezentačné materiály a prezentačné pomôcky v edukačnom procese

Interactive Presenting Materials and Presenting Tools in the Process of Education

Viola Gazdíková1, Stanislav Javorský2

1Stredisko pre celoživotné vzdelávanie, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

2Stredisko pre celoživotné vzdelávanie, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

Abstract. Gazdíková, V., Javorský, S.: Interactive presenting materials and presenting tools in the process of education. Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser, C. The article deals with the problem of ‘interactive means’ usage in the process of education. It is oriented towards the analysis of their actual usage within traditional teaching in selected Slovak cities. With this experiment we investigate the volume of presenting tools and interactive presenting material’s usage regarding the age of pedagogues. The article also interprets results achieved in the research and indicates the solutions for improvements in actual conditions.

Keywords: interactive presenting material, presenting tool, education, ICT tools, interactivity, electronic textbook

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Článok – Paper

Možnosti implementovania videokonferenčného systému v kombinovanej forme vzdelávania v prostredí vysokej školy

Marián Hosťovecký1, Tímea Zaťková2

1Katedra matematiky a informatiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita
Priemyselná 4, P. O. Box 9, 918 43 Trnava, SR

2Katedra pedagogiky a psychológie, Fakulta ekonomiky a manažmentu,
Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre
Tr. Andreja Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, SR

Abstract. Hosťovecký, M., Zaťková, T.: The possibilities of integration videoconferencing system in blended learning at the universities, Paed. Univ. Tyrnaviensis, Ser. C. Authors of the article analyze the possibilities of integration of video-conferencing system, as one of the supporting tools of synchronous communication in blended learning form. Article acquaint the readers with the brief characters of these systems as an element, which can effectively help to students and teachers as well from a particular point of view.

Keywords: videoconferencing system, e-learning, synchronous communication, blended learning, teachers

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Článok – Paper