Faculty of Education Trnava University in Trnava
General courses for teachers and for social workers
Code | Course title in Slovak language | Course title in English language | Credits | Semester | Language |
PŠB048 | Teória a prax sekundárneho vzdelávania | Theory and practice of secondary education | 4 | Winter | English |
SJB046 | Ruský jazyk | Russian language | 4 | Summer | Russian |
PŠM043 | Sociológia detstva a mládeže | Sociology of Childhood | 3 | Winter Summer |
English |
PEM015 | Metodológia pedagogického výskumu | Methodology of Educational research | 4 | Winter | English |
PŠB020 | Základy vývinovej psychológie | Fundamentals of Developmental Psychology | 4 | Summer | English |
PŠB028 | Teórie výchovy a vzdelávania | Theories of Education | 4 | Summer | English |
PŠB094 | Dejiny výchovy a vzdelávania 1 | History of Education I | 4 | Winter | English Polish |
PŠB027 | Úvod do pedagogiky | Introduction to Education | 3 | Winter | Polish |
PŠB026 | Úvod do štúdia | Introduction to Studies | 4 | Winter | Polish |
PŠB007 | Religionistika | Religious Studies | 4 | Winter | English |
PŠB025 | Prosociálna výchova | Prosocial Education | 4 | Summer | English |
PŠB095 | Deijny výchovy a vzdelávania 2 | History of Education II | 4 | Summer | English Polish |
PŠB028 | Teória výchovy | Theory of Education | 4 | Summer | English Russian |
PŠB004 | Etika | Ethics | 4 | Summer | Italian |
PŠB018 | Pedagogika voľného času 1 | Out‑of‑School Education I | 4 | Winter | English |
PŠB011 | Hudobná komunikácia | Communication with Music and through Music | 3 | Winter | English |
PŠB009 | Filozofia výchovy | Philosophy of Education | 4 | Summer | Italian |
PŠB103 | Poruchy detského vývinu | Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence | 4 | Summer | German |
PŠB024 | Psychológia výchovy 1 | Psychology of education I | 3 | Summer | English |
PŠB036 | Priebežná prax 1 | Continuous Practice | 4 | Summer | English |
PŠB102 | Teória výchovy v školských zariadeniach | Theory of education in school institutions | 4 | Summer | English Russian |
PŠB016 | Drogové závislosti a ich prevencia | Drug addiction and its prevention | 4 | Summer | German |
PŠB041 | Priebežná prax II | Continuous Practice II | 4 | Winter | English Russian |
PŠB042 | Pedagogická a sociálna komunikácia | Pedagogic and social communication | 3 | Summer | Polish |
PŠB022 | Základy sociálnej psychológie | Introduction to Social Psychology | 3 | Winter | German |
PŠM053 | Pedagogicko‑psychologická diagnostika | Psycho‑pedagogical diagnostics | 4 | Winter | English |
PŠM048 | Psychológia výchovy 2 | The psychology of cognitive and sociomoral development | 4 | Winter | German |
PŠM049 | Náhradná rodinná výchova | Family foster care | 3 | Winter | English Russian |
PŠM050 | Metodika výchovnej činnosti | Methods of educational activities | 4 | Summer | English |
PŠM012 | Výchovné poradenstvo | Education Counseling | 3 | Summer | English |
PŠM015 | Základy rodinného práva | Introduction to Family Law | 3 | Summer | English |
PŠM055 | Muzikoterapia | Music therapy | 3 | Summer | English German |
PŠM027 | Multikultúrna výchova | Multicultural Education | 3 | Winter | English |
PŠM033 | Mediálna výchova | Media Education | 3 | Winter | English |
PŠM003 | Netradičná religiozita | Unconventional religiousness | 3 | Winter | English |
Learning program: Teaching of Ethics
Code | Course title in Slovak language | Course title in English language | Credits | Semester | Language |
PŠB003 | Dejiny etických teórií | History of Ethical Theories | 5 | Winter | Italian |
PŠM038 | Kooperatívne učenie | Cooperative Learning | 3 | Winter | English |
PŠB014 | Medzináboženský dialóg | Inter‑religious Dialogue | 3 | Summer | English |
PŠB006 | Aplikovaná etika 1 | Applied Ethics I | 4 | Winter | English Italian |
PŠB008 | Aplikovaná etika 2 | Applied Ethics II | 4 | Summer | English Italian |
Learning program: Preschool and elementary education
Code | Course title in Slovak language | Course title in English language | Credits | Semester | Language |
PEB005 | Fyziológia telesných cvičení | Physiology of Exercises | 3 | Winter | English |
PEB006 | Predškolská telesná a zdravotná výchova | Preschool Physical and Health Education | 6 | Winter | English |
PEM010 | Rozvoj jazykovej gramotnosti v základnej škole | Developing Linguistic Literacy in Elementary School | 4 | Winter | English |
PEM011 | Teória a prax primárneho vzdelávania | Theory and Practice of Primary Education | 3 | Winter | English |
PEM013 | Prírodovedné praktikum | Practical Activities in Science Education | 3 | Summer | English |
PEM032 | Telesná a zdravotná výchova | Physical and Health Education | 4 | Winter | English |
PEM033 | Primárne prírodovedné vzdelávanie | Primary Science Education | 4 | Winter | English |
PEM034 | Sociálne štúdie v primárnom vzdelávaní | Social Studies in Primary Education | 4 | Winter | English |
Learning program: Teaching chemistry
Code | Course title in Slovak language | Course title in English language | Credits | Semester | Language |
CHB009 | Fyzikálna chémia | Physical Chemistry | 10 | Winter | English |
CHM001 | Teória a prax vyučovania chémie 1 | Theory and Practice of Teaching Chemistry 1 | 6 | Winter | English |
CHM002 | Technika a didaktika školských pokusov 1 | Technics and Didactics of School Chemistry Experiments 1 | 4 | Winter | English |
CHM011 | Spotrebiteľská chémia | Consumer Chemistry | 3 | Winter | English |
CHM018 | Vedecká komunikácia | Science Communication | 3 | Winter | English |
CHM042 | Angličtina pre učiteľov chémie | English Language for Chemistry Teachers | 3 | Winter | English |
Learning program: Teaching English Language and Literature
Code | Course title in Slovak language | Course title in English language | Credits | Semester | Language |
MFB001 | Úvod do štúdia AJ | Introduction into Study of English Language | 4 | Winter | English |
MFB003 | Komunikácia v anglickom jazyku 1 | Communication in English Language 1 | 3 | Winter | English |
MFB005 | Úvod do štúdia literatúry AJ | Introduction into Study of English Literature | 3 | Summer | English |
MFB006 | Úvod do štúdia britskej a americkej civilizácie | Introduction into Study of British and American Civilization | 3 | Summer | English |
MFB007 | Komunikácia v anglickom jazyku 2 | Communication in English Language 2 | 3 | Summer | English |
MFB008 | Staršia anglická literatúra | Old English Literature | 3 | Winter | English |
MFB018 | Dynamika slovnej zásoby AJ | Dynamics of English Vocabulary | 3 | Winter | English |
MFB019 | Britská dráma | British Drama | 3 | Winter | English |
MFB020 | Kreatívne písanie v AJ | Creative Writing | 3 | Winter | English |
MFB022 | Všeobecná jazykoveda | General Linguistics | 3 | Summer | English |
MFB035 | Angličtina pre akademické účely | English for Academic Purposes | 5 | Winter | English |
MFB054 | Morfológia AJ | Morphology of English Language | 4 | Winter | English |
MFB055 | Anglická literatúre 19. storočia | English Literature of 19th Century | 4 | Winter | English |
MFB056 | Komunikácia v anglickom jazyku 3 | Communication in English Language 3 | 3 | Winter | English |
MFB057 | Syntax AJ | Syntax of English Language | 4 | Summer | English |
MFB058 | Anglická literatúra 20. storočia | English Literature of 20th Century | 3 | Summer | English |
MFB059 | Komunikácia v anglickom jazyku 4 | Communication in English Language 4 | 3 | Summer | English |
MFB071 | Americká literatúra 19. storočia | American Literature of 19th Century | 4 | Winter | English |
MFB072 | Americká literatúra 20. storočia | American Literature of 20th Century | 4 | Summer | English |
MFB073 | Základy lexikológie | Basics of Lexicography | 2 | Winter | English |
MFB100 | Lexikológia AJ | Lexicology of English Language | 4 | Summer | English |
MFM001 | Lingvistická charakteristika angličtiny | Linguistic Characterization of English | 4 | Winter | English |
MFM002 | Teória a prax vyučovania anglického jazyka a literatúry 1 | Theory and Practice of Teaching English and Literature 1 | 5 | Winter | English |
MFM003 | Súčasná anglická literatúry | Contemporary English Literature | 3 | Winter | English |
MFM004 | Americká angličtina | American English | 2 | Winter | English |
MFM006 | Štylistika AJ | Stylistics of English Language | 4 | Summer | English |
MFM007 | Súčasná americká literatúra | Contemporary American Literature | 3 | Summer | English |
MFM008 | Teória a prax vyučovania AJ a literatúry 2 | Theory and Practice of Teaching English and Literature 2 | 5 | Summer | English |
MFM009 | Angloamerická literatúra pre deti a mládež | Anglo‑American Literature for Children and Young Adults | 3 | Winter | English |
MFM010 | Sociolingvistika AJ | Sociolinguistics of English Language | 2 | Summer | English |
MFM012 | Britské a americké kultúrne štúdie | British and American Cultural Studies | 3 | Winter | English |
MFM013 | Prehľad vývinu AJ | Outline of English Language Development | 3 | Winter | English |
MFM014 | Vyučovanie angličtiny v predškolskom a mladšom školskom veku | Teaching English in Pre‑school Age and Younger School Age | 3 | Winter | English |
MFM015 | Interkultúrna komunikácia AJ | Intercultural Communication | 3 | Summer | English |
Learning program: Teaching German Language and Literature
Code | Course title in Slovak language | Course title in English language | Credits | Semester | Language |
MFB002 | Fonetika a fonológia AH | Phonetics and Phonology of English Language | 4 | Winter | German |
MFB024 | Úvod do štúdia nemeckého jazyka | Introduction to the Study of German Language | 4 | Winter | German |
MFB025 | Fonetika a fonológia NJ | Phonetics and phonology of German | 6 | Winter | German |
MFB026 | Komunikácia v nemeckom jazyku 1 | Communication in German 1 | 3 | Winter | German |
MFB028 | Úvod do štúdia literatúry NJ | Introduction to Literary Studies | 4 | Summer | German |
MFB029 | Úvod do dejín a kultúry germanofónnych krajín | Introduction to the History and Culture of Germanophone Countries | 4 | Summer | German |
MFB030 | Komunikácia v nemeckom jazyku 2 | Communication in German 2 | 3 | Summer | German |
MFB031 | Staršia nemecká literatúra | Older German Literature | 4 | Summer | German |
MFB037 | Nemecká literatúra 18. a 19. storočia | German Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries | 4 | Winter | German |
MFB038 | Lexikológia NJ | Lexicology of German | 4 | Winter | German |
MFB042 | Literárna komparatistika | Comparative Literature Studies German | 3 | Winter | German |
MFB044 | Komunikatívna gramatika NJ | Communicative Grammar of German | 3 | Summer | German |
MFB062 | Nemecká literatúra pre deti a mládež | German Children’s and Juvenile Literature | 3 | Summer | German |
MFB065 | Morfológia NJ | Morphology of German | 5 | Winter | German |
MFB066 | Komunikácia v nemeckom jazyku 3 | Communication in German 3 | 3 | Winter | German |
MFB067 | Základy nemeckej ortografie | Basics of German Orthography | 4 | Winter | German |
MFB068 | Syntax NJ | Syntax of German | 5 | Summer | German |
MFB069 | Komunikácia v nemeckom jazyku 4 | Communication in German 4 | 3 | Summer | German |
MFB070 | Frazeológia NJ | Phraseology of German | 3 | Summer | German |
MFM050 | Reálie Nemecka | Applied Geography of Germany | 3 | Winter | German |
MFM051 | Teória a prax vyučovania NJ a literatúry 1 | Theory and Practice of Teaching German and Literature 1 | 5 | Winter | German |
MFM052 | Teória a prax vyučovania NJ a literatúry 2 | Theory and Practice of Teaching German and Literature 2 | 5 | Summer | German |
MFM053 | Súčasná nemecká literatúra | Contemporary German Literature | 4 | Summer | German |
MFM054 | Médiá vo vyučovaní CJ | Media in Teaching Foreign Languages | 4 | Summer | German |
MFM056 | Interkultúrna komunikácia | Intercultural Communication | 4 | Winter | German |
MFM059 | Súčasná rakúska a švajčiarska literatúra | Contemporary Austrian and Swiss Literature | 4 | Winter | German |
MFM060 | Reálie Rakúska a Švajčiarska | Applied Geography of Austria and Switzerland | 4 | Winter | German |
MFM061 | Prehľad vývinu NJ | Overview of the Development of German Language | 3 | Winter | German |
MFM062 | Vyučovanie NJ v predškolskom a mladšom školskom veku | Teaching German in Pre‑school and Early‑school Age | 3 | Winter | German |
MFM063 | Štylistika NJ | Stylistics of German | 4 | Winter | German |
MFM064 | Produktívne a receptívne jazykové zručnosti NJ | Productive and Receptive Language Skills German | 3 | Winter | German |
MFM070 | Teória a prax prekladu NJ | The Theory and Practice of German Translation | 3 | Winter | German |
Learning program: Teaching Fine Arts
Code | Course title in Slovak language | Course title in English language | Credits | Semester | Language |
VUB002 | Ateliér – Sochárska tvorba 1 | Sculptural creation | 5 | English | |
VUB015 | Úvod do súčasného umenia 1 | Fundamentals of contemporary art 1 | 4 | English | |
VUB018 | Úvod do súčasného umenia 2 | Fundamentals of contemporary art 2 | 4 | English | |
VUM067 | Estetika a teória VU2 | Aesthetics and theory of art 2 | 5 | English | |
VUB042 | Úvod do estetiky | Introduction to aesthetics | 3 | English | |
VUB036 | Hry s výtvarným materiálom | Creations with fine art material | 3 | English | |
VUM028 | Umenie v primárnom vzdelávaní | Art in primary education | 5 | English | |
VUB059 VUM059 |
Arteterapia | Art therapy | 4 | English | |
VUB019 | Animácia výtvarného umenia | Animation of visual arts | 4 | English | |
VUB007 | Ateliér – Textilná tvorba 1 | Studio – textile creation 1 | 3 | English | |
VUB010 | Ateliér – Textilná tvorba 2 | Studio – textile creation 2 | 3 | English | |
VUB065 | Kritické písanie | Critical writing | 5 | English | |
VUB066 | Analýza a interpretácia výtvarného umenia 1 | Analysis and interpretation of visual arts | 4 | English |
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