Dátum: 9. 3. 2024, minulý rok

Author: prof. PaedDr. Silvia Pokrivčáková, PhD.
Reviewers: prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Kušnír, PhD. 
doc. PhDr. Mária Hricková, PhD. 
PaedDr. Miloš Blahút, PhD.
Proofreading: Mgr. Mariana Židová, B.S.B.A, Phil Le Mottee
Publisher: Trnava University in Trnava
Year: 2018 
  • ISBN 978­‑80­‑568­‑0176­‑5
https://doi.​org/​10.​31262/​978­‑80­‑568­‑0176­‑5/​2018 otvárané v novom okne
(obvykle ide o externý odkaz)


The textbook Anglophone Literature for Children and Juvenile Readers is meant as a thorough and easytouse outline of this burgeoning field of literary study. It is intended mainly for university students – future teachers of English as a foreign language at preliminary, elementary and secondary schools. It can be useful for in-service teachers of English as well as for all those who are interested in children’s literature written in the English language.

The book consists of 9 chapters, each of them designed as a relatively self-contained text. It provides readers with a basic knowledge of history and most works of both British and American children’s literature. Although it covers literary genres from the very oldest ones – fables, myths, folk tales, nursery rhymes – up to the latest innovations in the field, the emphasis lies on the 19th and 20th centuries classics.

The textbook has been written primarily to support students’ (and teachers) knowledge of literature written for and read by children and young readers. However, the secondary motivation was to open the window to the vivid, colourful and sometimes magic world of literary stories and characters which create the skeleton of English-speaking cultures.