doc. PaedDr. Milan Pokorný, PhD.

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  Position: Head of Department
  Study Advisor (details in Slovak: pre matematiku a informatiku)
  Vice­‑dean for Study Affairs
  Room: 515
  Extension: 578
  E‑mail: e-mail
  More info: https://pdf.​truni.​sk/​pokorny/​ otvárané v novom okne
(obvykle ide o externý odkaz)
  Research/art/teacher profile of a person: ikonaRATP

Education and Qualification Growth

Academic Degree: Mgr., učiteľstvo všeobecnovzdelávacích predmetov, odbor matematika – informatika, 1997
PaedDr., učiteľstvo všeobecnovzdelávacích predmetov, odbor matematika, 2004
PhD., 11­‑17­‑4 teória vyučovania matematiky, 2006

Enumeration of Employments

  • Pedagogická fakulta TU, Trnava, odborný asistent, 1997 – doteraz

Areas of Teaching

  • základy štatistického spracovania údajov,
  • finančná a poistná matematika,
  • teoretická informatika,
  • aritmetika,
  • logika, množiny, relácie,
  • diskrétne matematika,
  • informačné technológie vo vyučovaní (matematiky).
Length of Teaching Experience:
27 years
Management of Theses (ongoing / completed)
  Bachelor: 5/7
  Diploma: 5/38

Areas of Research Activities

  teória grafov
  e‑learning vo vyučovaní matematiky

Selected Publications

Graph Theory

  • Pokorný, Milan – Híc, Pavel: Distance Spectra of H­‑join Graphs. Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 17, Number 3, 2016, pp. 305–321. ISSN 0974­‑1658.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Remarks on D­‑integral complete multipartite graphs. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 66(141), 2016, 457–464. ISSN 0011­‑4642.
  • Pokorný, Milan – Híc, Pavel: Quadruply Integral Equienergetic Graphs. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 97, Number 6, 2015, pp. 701–709. ISSN 0972­‑0871.
  • Pokorný, Milan – Híc, Pavel – Stevanović, Dragan – Milošević, Marko: On Distance Integral Graphs. Discrete Mathematics 338(2015) 1784–1792. ISSN 0012­‑365X. 
    https://doi.​org/​10.​1016/​j.​disc.​2015.​03.​004 otvárané v novom okne
(obvykle ide o externý odkaz)
  • Pokorný, Milan: QLS­‑Integrality of Complete r­‑partite Graphs. Filomat 29:5(2015), 1043–1051. ISSN 0354­‑5180.
  • Pokorný, Milan: A Note on Integral Complete Multipartite Graphs Ka1.p1,…,asps with s = 7. Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 13, Number 1, Pushpa Publishing House, India, 2014, pp. 1–8. ISSN 0974­‑1658.
  • Pokorný, Milan – Híc, Pavel – Stevanović, Dragan: Remarks on Q­‑integral Complete Multipartite Graphs. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Volume 439, Issue 7, pp. 2029–2037, 2013. ISSN 0024­‑3795.
  • Stevanović, Dragan – Milošević, Marko – Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Proof of a Conjecture on Distance Energy of Complete Multipartite Graphs. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 70(2013), pp. 157–162. ISSN 0340­‑6253.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: New Classes of Integral Complete n­‑partite Graphs. Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 7, Number 2, Pushpa Publishing House, India, 2011, pp. 83–94. ISSN 0974­‑1658.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: New Classes of Digraphs with Gaussian Spectra. In Aplimat 2011, 10th International Conference, STU, Bratislava 2011, pp. 81–88. ISBN 978­‑80­‑89313­‑51­‑8.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: On Integral Complete r­‑partite Graphs. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics, Volume 6, 2010, no. 1, pp. 17–25. ISSN 1336­‑9180.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: On Integral Complete r­‑partite Graphs. In Applied Natural Sciences 2009, Proceedings, UCM, Trnava 2009, pp. 68–76. ISBN 978­‑80­‑8105­‑129­‑6.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan – Černek, Pavol: New Sufficient Conditions for Integral Complete 3­‑Partite Graphs. In Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 2(2008), pp. 276–284. ISSN 1452­‑8630.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: A Note on Integral Complete 4­‑partite Graphs. Discrete Math., Volume 308, Issue 16, 2008, pp. 3704–3705. ISSN 0012­‑365X.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: There Are Integral Trees of Diameter 7, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. 18, 2007, pp. 59–63. ISSN 0353­‑8893.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Randomly Cn U Cm Graphs. In Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, Studia Mathematica VI, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków 2007, pp. 123–130. ISSN 1643­‑6555.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Randomly kCn Graphs. In Matematyka XII, Jan Dlugosz University of Czestochowa, Scientific Issuse, Mathematics XII, Czestochowa 2007, pp. 41–48. ISBN 978­‑83­‑7455­‑013­‑0, ISSN 1896­‑0286.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Randomly 2Cn Graphs. In Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, Bratislava, Graphs 04, Vol. 36, 2007, pp. 29–38. ISSN 1210­‑3195.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: On integral balanced rooted trees of diameter 10, Acta Univ. M. Belii, Series Mathematics, no. 10, 2003, pp. 9–15. ISBN 80­‑8055­‑812­‑4.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: A note on randomly regular graphs. The 1st International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics at Universities ’2001, Proceedings of contributed papers, STU, Bratislava, 2001, pp. 62–67. ISBN 80­‑227­‑1568­‑9.
  • Pokorný, Milan – Sotáková, Kristína: On nonsymetric strong integral digraphs. CO­‑MAT­‑TECH 2000, Zborník z 8. vedeckej konferencie, STU, Bratislava, 2000, pp. 173–178.

Modern Technologies in Education

  • Bérešová, Jana – Pokorný, Milan – Peterková, Viera – Híc, Pavel: The Impact of Blended Learning on Learning Efficiency. In Information, Communication and Education Application, Advances in Education Research, Volume 85, 2015, pp. 12–17. ISBN 978­‑1­‑61275­‑118­‑4, ISSN 2160­‑1070.
  • Malatinská, Silvia – Pokorný, Milan – Híc, Pavel: Efficiency of Blended Learning in Teaching Mathematics at Primary School. In Information, Communication and Education Application, Advances in Education Research, Volume 85, 2015, pp. 6–11. ISBN 978­‑1­‑61275­‑118­‑4, ISSN 2160­‑1070.
  • Mišút, Martin – Pokorný, Milan: Does ICT Improve the Efficiency of Learning? Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 177(2015), pp. 306–311. ISSN 1877­‑0428. ⟨https://doi.​org/​10.​1016/​j.​sbspro.​2015.​02.​346 otvárané v novom okne
(obvykle ide o externý odkaz)⟩.
  • Pokorný, Milan – Híc, Pavel: Effects of Blended Learning in Teaching Mathematics in Higher Education. In Edukacja – Technika – Informatyka. 11(2015), no. 1, pp. 287–291, ISSN 2080­‑9069.
  • Pokorný, Milan: Blended Learning as an Efficient Method for Discrete Mathematics Teaching. Advances in Education Sciences, vol. 1(2013), pp. 249–252. ISBN 978­‑981­‑07­‑5946­‑9, ISSN 2339­‑5141.
  • Pokorný, Milan: Interactive Elements Can Increase the Efficiency of e‑learning Course. Information, Communication and Education Application, Advances in Education Research, Volume 30, 2013, pp. 173–178. ISSN 2160­‑1070, ISBN 978­‑1­‑61275­‑056­‑9.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Efficiency of Blended Learning in Basics of Statistics Teaching. Didactica Slovenica Pedagoška Obzorja, Volume 28, 3–4, 2013, pp. 184–192. ISSN 0353­‑1392.
  • Lucká, Mária – Pokorný, Milan: Experience with Testing Mathematical Knowledge Using ICT. In XXIV DidMatTech 2011 Problems in Teachers Education, Instytut Techniki UP, Kraków 2011, pp. 194–201. ISBN 978­‑83­‑7271­‑679­‑8.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Electronic Tests in Mathematics Teaching. In Education and Technology, Volume 234, Wydawnictvo Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji, Radom 2010. ISBN 978­‑83­‑7204­‑915­‑5.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Statistical Hypothesis Testing in Excel. In Aplimat – Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume II (2009), no. 1, pp. 241–244. ISSN 1337­‑6365.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: Computer Supported Learning of the Subject Mathematics for Students of Computer Science. In XXI. DidMatTech 2008, Esterházy Károly Colledge, Eger 2009, pp. 107–113. ISBN 978­‑963­‑9894­‑17­‑4.
  • Híc, Pavel – Pokorný, Milan: E‑learning Helps to Reduce the Number of Contact Hours. In 7th International Conference Aplimat 2008, STU, Bratislava 2008, pp. 943–948. ISBN 978­‑80­‑89313­‑03­‑7.
  • Horváth, Roman – Mišút, Martin – Pokorný, Milan: Virtual University in Trnava – Experience. In The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications and the 4th Conference on Virtual University – ICETA 2003. Košice, pp. 423–425. ISBN 80­‑89066­‑67­‑4.

Selection of Participating in the Project

  • Grant KEGA 003UMB­‑4/2017 s názvom „Implementácia blended learningu do prípravy budúcich učiteľov matematiky“ – zodpovedný riešiteľ spolupracujúceho pracoviska (2017 – 2019).
  • Grant KEGA 003TTU­‑4/2015 s názvom „Elektronické kurzy pre vyučovanie matematiky na základných školách a v prvých 4 ročníkoch osemročných gymnázií“ – zodpovedný riešiteľ (2015 – 2017).
  • Grant KEGA 008UMB­‑4/2013 s názvom „Efektivita blended learningu v príprave budúcich učiteľov matematiky“ – zástupca zodpovedného riešiteľa spolupracujúceho pracoviska (2013 – 2015).
  • Grant KEGA 010UMB­‑4/2011 s názvom „Tvorba elektronických kurzov z matematiky pre žiakov základných škôl a prvých 4 ročníkov osemročných gymnázií“ – zodpovedný riešiteľ spolupracujúceho pracoviska (2011 – 2013).
  • Grant VEGA 1/0042/14 s názvom „Spektrálna teória grafov a hranové farbenie grafov“ – spoluriešiteľ (2014 – 2015), zodpovedný riešiteľ (2016).

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