Date: 17. 3. 2022, three years ago

At Trnava University, we are so delighted that we can meet back together face to face. On the 15th of March 2022 we were immersed in the world of Irish culture and history as we celebrated St Patrick Day at Trnava University. Our theme this year was Going Green, Going Places! It was a pleasure to have over 100 students attend in person whilst over 50 students joined the fun online. We believe it is important to share the culture and history of other countries so that our students can have a better understanding of the world in which they live. By learning about other countries, students can be inspired to travel internationally and develop critical thinking.

We started our celebrations with a report from students that had just arrived back from a cultural and history excursion to Ireland. They inspired other students to travel and answered many inquisitive questions. Other students read from the works of Seamus Heaney and James Joyce. The Quiz and raffle created a great buzz in our Aula. The green food contest and Irish theme costumes created a beautiful sea of green. We were so delighted that the wonderfully talented musician James Evans came and delivered a magical repertoire of Irish music. Thank you, James! – ‘Blessed are the music makers – for they shall change the atmosphere.’

It was an honour to have the Irish Ambassador to the Slovak Republic Dermot McGauran in attendance. He delivered a captivating presentation about the similarities and common interests that Slovakia and Ireland share. Did you know that approximately 100 Irish citizens live in Slovakia, whereas over 20,000 Slovaks currently reside in Ireland? As a former lecturer he was well versed and managed to hold the attention of all attendees. He was really impressed by our students and really enjoyed the rich interactivity with students.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank our sponsors Tullamore Dew and The Irish Embassy for their generous support. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues for their help in making this event happen. It was a great celebration that was enjoyed by many of our students. We look forward to inviting you to our event in 2023!

Aaron McCauley 
Trnava University 
17th March 2022













