prof. PhDr. Anton Pokrivčák, PhD. (text)
prof. PaedDr. Silvia Pokrivčáková, PhD. (text)
M.A. Louise Kocianová, PhD. (recordings 1–4, 6–9)
M.A. Caroline Ann Daněk Kyzek, PhD. (recordings 5, 10–11)
doc. PhDr. Mária Hricková, PhD., Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Kušnír, PhD., University of Prešov
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We would like to express our gratitude to all those students and colleagues who inspired us to write and continually update the book. We also thank to the reviewers – doc. PhDr. Mária Hricková, PhD. from Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, and prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Kušnír, PhD. from University of Prešov – for their valuable and constructive notes.
The present audiobook is the second edition of a successful audial study material accompanying the electronic textbook Basics of Literary Studies (ISBN 978‑80‑568‑0577‑0).
Similarly to its edition, the audiobook is adapted for learners with specific learning needs, but the format can be appreciated by the students who prefer an audial style of learning or multimodal learning based on both reading and listening.
Both study materials serve as guides for students beginning their study of Anglophone literatures. They offer a concise and accessible discussion of central issues in the contemporary study of literary texts, including definitions of key terms such as literature and literary scholarship, periods of literary history, theoretical approaches to the study of literary texts, an overview of critical approaches, characteristics of language typical for literature, classification of literary kinds and genres, etc. Despite their similarities with other study guides, the present textbook is unique at least in one aspect: it integrates the knowledge coming from the international context of the study of Anglophone literatures with a specific cultural and geographical context of Slovakia (and Czech Republic), which establishes a space for constructive cooperation and mutual beneficiation.
The current extended edition of the audiobook includes the following changes and extensions:
literature, study of literature, literary history, literary criticism, digital literature, literary education.
Abrams, Meyer Howard. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 7th edition. Heinle & Heinle, Thomson Learning, 1999.
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