Séria D
doc. PhDr. Andrej Rajský, PhD.
Redakčná rada:
doc. PhDr. Ing. Blanka Kudláčová, PhD.
prof. PhDr. Viktor Lechta, PhD.
prof. Buguslaw Śliwerski (Poľsko)
doc. PaedDr. Ondrej Kaščák, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Andrej Rajský, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Pavel Vacek, PhD. (ČR)
Mgr. art. Mgr. Jaroslava Gajdošíková Zeleiová, PhD.
PhDr. Zuzana Petrová, PhD.
PhDr. Jiří Pospíšil, PhD. (ČR)
Mgr. Miroslava Adamík Šimegová, PhD.
prof. PhDr. Viktor Lechta, PhD.
prof. PhDr. Ladislav Požár, CSc.
doc. PhDr. Ing. Blanka Kudláčová, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Andrej Rajský, PhD.
doc. PaedDr. Kristína Žoldošová, PhD.
PaedDr. Naďa Bizová, PhD.
PaedDr. Martin Dojčár, PhD.
Mgr. art. Mgr. Jaroslava Gajdošíková Zeleiová, PhD.
Mgr. Andrea Lehenová, PhD.
Mgr. Peter Lenčo PhD.
Technický redaktor: Mgr. Marek Wiesenganger
Vydala: Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Pedagogická fakulta
ISBN 978-80-8082-512-6
Acta Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitatis Tyrnaviensis
Ročník 15, 2011
Bližšie informácie týkajúce sa objednávok alebo výmeny zborníka zasielajte na adresu:
Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave
Oddelenie pre vedu, výskum a zahraničné styky
Priemyselná 4, P.O. Box 9
918 43 TRNAVA
tel.: 033 / 55 16 047
People with disabilities, inclusive education and European society
Jana Balážová
Katedra pedagogických štúdií, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
Priemyselná 4, 918 43 Trnava
Abstract: In the following lines we will try to think about the questions that relate to attitudes, education, disabled people and actual efforts to build inclusive society, based on humanistic and democratic principles. We will try to approach brief overview of this situation in some countries with focus to some European countries.
Key words: inclusive education, attitudes
Development and comprehension of pedagogy and general pedagogy in Romanian language environment
Noema Gabovičová
Katedra pedagogických štúdií, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
Priemyselná 4, 918 43 Trnava
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to focus on characteristic and comprehension of general pedagogy in Romania. The author proceeds from a description of the formation and development of Romanian pedagogy through characteristic of its present state and system of pedagogical disciplines up to an introduction of the general pedagogy in Romania.
Key words: pedagogy, general pedagogy, education
Pedagogical thinking in Immanuel Kants´ work
Jana Gašparovičová
Katedra sociálnych a humanitných vied, Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov
Trenčianska univerzita A. Dubčeka v Trenčíne
Študentská 2, 911 01 Trenčín
Abstract: The paper discusses the Kant´s study „On Pedagogics“ that represents a set of Kant´s lectures on pedagogics made in the 70ies and 80-ies in the 18th century. The Kant´s study is divided into the following parts: Introduction, Scientific Discussion, On Physical Education and on Practical Education. According to Kant the education process comprises discipline, cultivation, civilization and moralization. Kant considers the process of education to be an art. Applying this art a man as a natural creature is transformed into a human one; the art that develops human natural inherited qualities and improves the human species in the view of imposing impact on the task of mankind. This objective can be achieved only on the basis of an inner principle of duties, moral imperative dwelling inside people. Kant emphasises the self-forming process of individuals that is controlled by an educator. The objective of the education process is free and confident individual who is able to push himself/herself forward while respecting the others. From the Kant´s point of view the individual is highly motivated and tries to reach general welfare. According to the Kant ideas the education process meets requirements for social justice, equal rights for people, and respect for human dignity.
Key words: Kant´s work, practical and physical education, scientific discussion, discipline, cultivation, civilization, individuals´ self-forming, dignity
Perspectives of Philosophy of Education accoding to Jacques Maritain
Marek Wiesenganger
Katedra pedagogických štúdií, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
Priemyselná 4, 918 43 Trnava
Abstract: The contemporary situation of educational thinking in Slovakia defines the progressive opening to Philosophy. One of the reasons of this process is the presence of the emergent request to determine the baseline routing of the educational thinking and to justify the brand and the advisability of the pedagogical answer to the contemporary issues of education. The Philosophy of Education becomes one of the important pedagogical disciplines. As the Philosophy of education is relatively young discipline in Slovakia, the aim of the author is to introduce the perspectives of philosophy of the education according to Jacques Maritain, to demonstrate the fields related by his Philosophy of Education and customizing the method of his pedagogical Philosophy.
Key words: person, philosophy of education, educational thinking, anthropological perspective, integrity
Effect of entomology course on the attitudes, knowledge and ideas of university students to Entomology
Radoslav Kvasničák
Katedra biológie, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská Univerzita
Priemyselná 4, 918 43, Trnava
Abstract: Natural sciences courses are now a popular organizational form for all types of schools. In our conditions of University, we compiled a course of Entomology, which we implemented in teaching the subject of Entomology in the school indoor and outdoor. In previous researches were mainly observed short-term effects of science education. The subject of our research was to implement long-term impact entomology course and analyze the level of attitudes, knowledge and ideas of students participating in entomology courses and students who no participated in entomology course. In our experiment, we focused on the analysis of attitudes for the nature conservation, insect behavior, insect collection and rearing of animals and fear. Knowledge of entomology and ideas focused on anatomy, morphology, organ system and sensory organs of insects. The results before and after the experimental realization of the impact of research groups were analyzed and compared on the basis of measurement instruments, which showed a high value of reliability (Cronbach alpha > 0.78). Knowledge of entomology was tested by making statements with the free response. Ideas students to the structure and composition of the insect body, its organ systems were assessed by analysis of drawings. As part of the test sheet was also attitudinal questionnaire consisted of 25 statements, using a scaled bipolar Likert scale. Observed differences in attitudes, ideas and knowledge of the entomology were among the research groups throughout the course of implementation of teaching entomology statistically significant.
Key words: science education, student, ideas, knowledge, attitudes, entomology, insect
Relationship of Roma children of the younger school age to school and spending their leisure time
Ivana Šuhajdová
Katedra pedagogických štúdií
Pedagogická fakulta
Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
Priemyselná 4, 918 43 Trnava
Abstract: The paper presents the education of Roma children younger school age and causes of school failure. Based on the results of the survey in four primary schools in Slovakia, which the goal was to determine the relationship of Roma children of the younger school age to school and spending their leisure time, author points to the possibility of teaching and professional staff to work with Roma pupils younger school age in formal and informal education, of which can contribute to improving the relationship of Roma children to school, to the efficient leisure time and to eliminate the socio-pathological phenomena in these students.
Key words: Roma pupils, younger school age, social pedagogue, educator, education, leisure time
Wojciech Gulin
Faculty of Edication
Kujawsko- Pomorska Szkoła Wyższa
Toruńska 55- 57, 85-023 Bydgoszcz
Abstract: The old age is the notion which awakes anxiety. We do not know how we will behave and how we will proceed in the old age. The old age is not experienced by young people. We create different terms to substitute the notion of the old man: senior, older person. We are afraid of calling old age using exactly this notion. However, everyone of us will be an old person some day. It is obvious that we were children and the same is with the old age. From the beginning of human kind there were young people and older people by their side. Every human being lives in relations to other human beings, both young and older. It depends on human relations how quality of our life looks like. When the relation which causes his dissatisfaction appears, his lack of satisfaction will influence on his life. The group of dissatisfied appear. Europe is helpless towards older people. Programs are created which often does not meet old people’s expectations. This elaboration is concerned with the relation between old and young person. It depends on how a young person will perceive an old one and because of that they will create their relations. It is not a problem of an individual country but the problem of the whole civilization.
Key words: a young person, old age, the picture of the old man, social relation.
Małgorzata Przybysz-Zaremba
Institute of Pedagogy and Languages
The State School of Higher Professional Education in Elbag
ul. Czerniakowska 23, 82-300 Elbląg, Poland
Abstract: About one and a half million Polish people suffer from a new phenomenon which is an Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome. It is connected with alcoholic disease of one, or both, parents. The aim of the research was to know better the biographies constructed created by the Adult Children of Alcoholics. Following research issues within the frames of the generally established aim were set: what sense of self-esteem do Adult Children of Alcoholics have? What role does a period of childhood play in the functioning of Adult Children of Alcoholics and present family life? What are the relations of Adult Children of Alcoholics with social environment? While looking for the answers for following questions the research method, which in fact belongs to the quality methodology, was chosen. It was method of individual cases, which used the interview technique. In the research a narrative interview, which was conducted by means of tape recorder, as the research tool, was applied. Application of narrative interview in the research let me have creative modifications and supplements. I made deliberate choice of interviewees (four women and six men). Due to the fact that the material obtained from interviews was vast, only narrative fragments reflecting “partial” image of biography of Adult Children of Alcoholics were used in the paper.
Keywords: Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome, alcoholic family, (un)happy childhood, social environment
Educational career diversification of students attending a Pre-school and Elementary Pedagogy Programme and Inclusive Pre-school Pedagogy Programme at the Faculty of Education of University of Trnava
Stanislav Javorský
Zuzana Obertová
Veronika Mazalánová
Martin Tvrdý
Katedra predškolskej a elementárnej pedagogiky, Pedagogická fakulta,
Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
Priemyselná 4, 918 43 Trnava
Abstract: The paper summarizes analytical results of research regarding to educational career diversification of students attending a Pre-school and Elementary Pedagogy Programme of University at Trnava. Proportion of respondents reflects foundations according to which diversification of futural studentplans is evident with regard to personal and social reasons. Actual situation predetermines necessity of additional researches for complex problem reflection.
Keywords: Quantitative analysis, Pre-school and Elementary Pedagogy Programme, Inclusive Pre-school Pedagogy, methodology, preferences, research, internalform, externalform